Publications et consultations
Selected consultancy services provided for international and non-governmental organizations.
The processes of abolition of the death penalty in the Islamic States, Together against the Death Penalty, (published in Arabic, French and English).
Des textes religieux à la pensée islamique moderne, le Centre arabe de recherches et d’études politiques, Paris, 4 May 2020, 23 p (in French).
Security sector and constitutional reform in Syria (paper), The Arab Association of Constitutional Law, 2018, Tunis (in Arabic).
Writing concept note, Adyan Village, International Conference on Citizenship and Religious Freedom, 1-2 December 2016. (in English).
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Constitutional Reform: The Case of Syria, paper published in: Constitutional Reform in Times of Transition, Arab Reform Initiative, May 2014, pp. 113-120. (in English).
Governing Diversity in the Personal Status Domain in the Arab Mashreq States, paper published by The Arab Reform Initiative, June 2013. (in English).
Reform Policies of the Syrian Penal System, paper published by Strategic Research & Communication Centre, March 2012, 28 p. (in English).
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Books and Contributions to Books
Syria between the influence of religious legislation and positive legislation, In
Syrian Constitution: Readings and Option, Dar Maysaloon-Harmoon Center for Contemporary Studies, Turkey, 2018. (in Arabic).
Book review, Military Responses to the Arab Uprisings and the Future of Civil-Military Relations in the Middle East: Analysis from Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and Syria, Taylor. C W, Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014, review published in: Siyasat Arabia, Doha, Issue 29, November 2017. (in Arabic).
Chrétiens d’Orient et inégalités devant la justice, In Quel(s) droit(s) pour les chrétiens d’Orient ?, Ed. Mare & Martin, Paris, 2018, pp. 83-100. (in French).
« La liberté religieuse dans les États de culture islamique », In La liberté religieuse, Editions Van Dieren, Paris, 2017, pp. 77-90. (in French).
« Non-Muslims in Arab states between the legislative reality and the contemporary Islamic thought », In Islamists and issues of state and citizenship, The Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies, Doha, 2016, pp. 527-552. (in Arabic).
Le droit des minorités. Le cas des chrétiens en Orient arabe [preface of Joseph Yacoub], Edition PUAM, Aix-Marseille, 2012, 481 p, « Prix Marin ». (in French)
« La place de l’islam et du droit musulman dans les sociétés démocratiques arabes en construction », In Moyen-Orient 2012: Bilan géopolitique, Edition du Cygne, Paris, Institut MEDEA, janvier 2013, pp. 40.45. (in French).
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Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
The Legal Protection of Minorities from the International Law and Arab Mashreq Perspective, International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, (in English).
Religious divisions in the Middle-East: sources and causes, DIALOGUES journal for political and social studies, Ed. el-Maarif el-Jadida, Rabat. (in Arabic).
(Paper under publication)
Les non-musulmans dans les instruments islamiques relatifs aux droits de l'Homme, Arabic Review of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, no. 1, December 2018, pp. 276-284. (in Arabic).
The International Bill of Human Rights and the rights of religious minorities in the Arab East, Jil Publication, no. 10, July 2016, 13-28. (in Arabic).
The International Bill of Human Rights and the legislation of Levant states, Jinan, no. 9-10, December 2015 - June 2016, pp. 83-100. (in Arabic).
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Minorités et liberté religieuse dans les Constitutions des États de l’Orient arabe, Égypte/Monde arabe, no. 10, 2013, pp. 287-305. (in French).
Les États du Machrek face aux droits de la femme dans la charte internationale des droits humains, Maghreb-Machrek, no. 215, Summer 2013, pp. 143-158. (in French).
Protection of religious minorities in the UN system, Jinan, no. 4-5, June-December 2013, pp. 101-124. (in Arabic).
Les droits des minorités chrétiennes au Levant, Revue El-Machriq, no. 1, June 2013, pp. 21-37, (in Arabic).
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The fragility of legal protection for the Christians of the Mashreq in matters of personal status, Amnesty International-Mawared, no. 19, 2012, pp. 61-66. (in Arabic).
Christian minorities in the Arab East, Al-Machriq, no. 1, January-June 2013, pp. 21-37, (in Arabic).
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L’islamisation de chrétiens d’Orient arabe dans le système du pluralisme juridico-législatif, Conscience et liberté, no. 71, April 2012, pp. 16-26. (in French).
La liberté religieuse, les instruments internationaux des droits de l’homme et la réticence des États de l’Orient arabe, Proche-Orient Chrétien, vol. 61, no. 1-2, pp. 98-111.
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Christians of the Arab East face a weak regional system of Human Rights protection, Al-Machriq, no. 1, January-June 2011, pp. 23-48. (in Arabic).
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Other Selected Articles
Les non-musulmans en islam: quel statut ?, EuroMeSCO, no. 77, 10 January 2018, 9 p. (in French).
Le nationalisme arabe, émancipateur des minorités religieuses ? Origines et perspectives d’avenir, Diplomatie, no. 80, May-June 2016, pp. 8-12. (in French).
La liberté religieuse dans les États de culture islamique, Diplomatie, no. 15, July-August 2015, pp. 44-47.
La valeur des instruments internationaux vis-à-vis du droit interne des États de l’Orient arabe, La Fondation Méditerranéenne d'Etudes Stratégiques, 10 June 2010, (in French).
* Nael Georges has also published hundreds of short articles on online magazines and on various subjects such as legal and political reform in the MENA region, secularism, and human rights. Some of his articles has been published by the Modern Discussion, Suwar Magazine, the Legal Agenda (in Arabic with translation into English), Brocarpress and Geiroon. Furthermore, he has translated dozens of articles, such as Gaza: Dummy or Real by Ilan Pappe, from English and French into Arabic.